Math Application

A multi-threaded program | using Java Networking Programming library

Application that perform mathematical calculations
and return the data back to the user

Please NOTE!

This webpage is only preview to the source code on Github!

This webpage contain basic information about the application I built, for full information, including project diagram, etc, please click below:
Click here to see math-app-server!
Click here to see the math-app-client!

What is the purpose of this application?

The main purpose of this application is to perform mathematical calculations and return the data back to the user.
The program consists of 2 parts - the server and the client:

To write this project I used Java Networking Programming tools ( and it's designed to handle several math clients,
meaning, it is a multi-threaded system.

For this purpose, I used Java's Thread Object and implemented the singleton pattern as only 1 server should exist per application.

In addition, throughout the program I used additional design patterns such as Factory pattern and Mediator pattern.

Plus, on the client server, I added a thread that listens to all input from the server, logs INFO messages and documents data to a local log file.

I wrote this program inspired by a good friend of mine who is very close to my heart.

He is a former lecturer at John Bryce College, he helped me a lot and was by my side in my first steps in the programming field, he is the ultimate mentor, and I will always be grateful to him.